What is Trends?
GMA's bimonthly newsletter gives you the latest on GMA events, member news, community events and new member profiles. In addition to being mailed to you directly, TRENDS is distributed in the Business Journal reaching a total of over 11,000 local businesses.
Advertising in Trends
Are you interested in advertising to the GMA membership? We have
a limited number of spaces available in each TRENDS magazine at very
reasonable rates! For more information about advertising opportunities,
please call the GMA office at (336) 378-6350 or email info@mygma.org.
Submitting Artwork for TRENDS
All ads submitted for TRENDS must be electronic. For help with
your ad, please refer to the graphic designers in our online membership
directory, or contact us for a list of GMA member graphic
designers. The email address for questions or ad submissions is info@mygma.org.