GMA’s Professional Advice Hour is a benefit of membership that connects our members to the professional services they need. Participants will receive a FREE one-hour consultation with a business expert on the issues of most importance to them. Focusing on your specific needs, consultations are designed to be private, collaborative, and productive. Get answers to your pressing questions at no charge to you, courtesy of GMA!

Please complete all fields. We will contact you within three business days to schedule your private consultation.
GMA members in good standing are entitled to one Professional Advice Hour session per year. It may only be used to assist members with matters related to their own business. Members may not utilize this service to answer questions on behalf of clients or customers. The discussions provided are for general informational purposes only. Any action you take upon the information gathered from these communications is strictly at your own risk. In contacting these specialists, you agree to hold GMA and the specialist harmless. The PAH is not a legal service, and advisers do not provide legal representation or legal advice to members. The advisers will recommend that you consult with your own legal counsel when appropriate.