The Carolina Theatre has commissioned LS3P Associates’ Greensboro office
to oversee the historic restoration design of the theatre’s 96-year-old façade.
The project is part of LS3P’s Design-In-Kind program, a firmwide Pro Bono
Design Initiative to support local community partners. Project Architect, Steve Freyaldenhoven,
Midwest Maintenance, Inc. and locally owned Double Hung Windows have been
working with the Carolina Theatre’s Board of Directors and Staff to complete
the restoration work that began in November. Estimates for the completed work
place a $600,000 price tag on the project. Financial support to cover the
restoration is being raised as part of the theatre’s capital campaign, Setting the Stage.
“We’ve been fortunate to have a wide range of community supporters join
our efforts to prepare the Carolina for her next 100 years of serving as
Greensboro’s performing arts center for local arts organizations. In 2018 we
launched Setting the Stage, a campaign to improve our audience and artist’s
experience inside the theatre, but as we were getting close to reaching our
$2.8 million goal, it was evident that our façade required essential repairs.
To that end, we’ve launched Phase Two of our capital campaign. I’m happy to
report we’re just $221,000 away from reaching our goal, but we are still in
need of support to complete this important work,” said Altina Layman, current
Board Chair.